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A Heart in the Center

In mid-July we realize that it is time to let people know about our new project. Our idea seems daunting, and undoubtedly we will have months of hard work ahead of us as we put our dream into reality. As we share our venture with a few individuals, unexpectedly, excitement and affirmation well up, fueling us on. Letters of support from dear friends arrive in the mail surprising us, spurring us on.

In midsummer Queen Anne’s Lace line the side of the road on our daily walk. The white umbel blossom has a tiny red heart shaped floweret in the center. We look closely and can see windows of light through the delicate white blossoms resembling lace. Our own hearts fill with joy as we ponder the tiny red heart in the center. It is a reminder to keep our heart in the center of this elaborate and intricate work we are undertaking.

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